Monday, February 13, 2012

Face Smash!

Just after I had made some initial gains with the Hill family, I smashed Haley’s face. It was not intentional, but it got her pretty good. I felt so bad. We were swimming at my aunt Shonnie’s house. Mike and I were practicing back flips; he would launch me into the air and I would attempt a back flip. Mac had just gotten home and we thought it would be fun to show her our new trick. Mike launched me up into the air and my knee came right down on Hailey’s nose and jaw. I knew it hit hard, because my knee felt it. It was pretty bruised up. She later told me her jaw was wacked out for a month or so. Guess it wasn't such a cool trick after all. Luckily, she forgave me and we could finish off the night on a good note with Hot Rod.

After the face smash, I knew I still had good status with the family because of Papa Hill’s comment the following Sunday. We were sitting down for dinner. He had me sit in a better chair because I was “part of the family”. It was a good thought.

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