Wednesday, February 22, 2012

February 21st….Mike’s famous! Plus, Vegas trip.

Mike was asked by ICON if he would show the world how to fix treadmills on YouTube. He got a new outfit and rocked it. My husband was made world famous! So it was only suiting that we would return to Las Vegas. Before leaving for the weekend, I was able to meet Jon the unknown brother. You see the whole time Mike and I were getting to know each other, Jon was on his mission. It is a little strange that he was my same age, but I guess that’s what happens in a big family. In fact, Danny, Joe, and Jon are all closer to my age than Mike. Too bad! Anyways, it was fun to meet him even though he was a little out of it and in awe. We would return after Vegas to hear his homecoming speech, which was on the Living Christ. He did a great job.

My whole family came down to Vegas again and like last time it was a lot of fun. We went paintballing, attended the temple, ate at an all day buffet at the Excalibur, and we went to a comedian Magic show by Nathan Burton. Paintballing was really fun and really scary. The guy running the place didn’t like us too much because we weren’t very good at following the safety rules, especially at keeping our masks on while we were in the arena.

I could see why he was concerned though, because it hurt whenever you got hit. It would not be pretty if you were shot in the face without a mask. My mom was the funniest when she got hit, she would yell for everyone to hear, “I’m hit and injured!” We all got some good shots off; my best shot was when I got my dad good in the butt. Everybody had a few good welts by the end except for Mike. So Mike let Levi shoot him to see how it felt. He got a little mark on his shoulder. Mike is just too dang good at everything!

Nathan Burton was also very entertaining as well. My only complaint was he focused way too much on the showgirls. Nevertheless, his magic was fun and very fast paced. I have no idea how he was able to complete some of his tricks. He would transport huge items into the room and do all sorts of mind blowing stunts. What the heck? I wish I could do that. His co-star was good as well. He did a comedy thing with four guys in masks. The Asian man (with a woman mask) was hilarious. He had to wave and blow kisses. His moves were so big and exaggerated making it all the better. It was hilarious. Then the four guys in masks had a contest to blow up balloons and try to pop them by sitting on them. We all got a good laugh out of that. It was another fun family trip.

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